This month’s giveaway is super unique and we are stoked on it. Our sales rep, Lit Britt, has the art skills and we commissioned her to create a few custom-made terp fridge designs. We had to snag the first one for our dab lounge at the office, but her second creation is up for grabs in our September giveaway.

Terp fridges keep concentrates cool. Cool concentrates are happy, tasty, potent, and ready for easy handling. The consistencies of most extracts make them super sensitive to the elements, so it’s important to always keep them in a cool, dark spot and in a proper container… and there’s really no better place than a mini fridge dedicated to dabs. If you’ve ever transported your wax in your pocket on a summer day, you know how hard it is to handle extracts that are a bit warmer than they should be. This fridge can preserve the consistency and potency of your concentrates for months. Plus, it’s a baller addition to your dab station.

Terp Fridge Yo Dabba Dabba

We took a beat with miss Lit Britt to talk about the creation of the Kang’s Banger Terp Fridge.

Q: Yo Dabba Dabba sales rep, Dab University professor, and artist. How do you fit it all in?

A:  I like to do art in my down time, it’s how I relax and de-stress. I come home, smoke, turn on some chill music and start sketching.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration? 

A: Nowadays, social media is a big one. Originally I liked cartoons as a kid. When I was super young I was drawing anime and cartoon characters…was really into any type of creature, like animals and dinosaurs.

Q: What’s your process for the Terp Fridges? 

A: I just got Procreate, so I start out with a sketch on my iPad to get the idea out. Then I sketch it on the fridge with these erasable markers. I usually add stuff to the sketch at this stage since I see it to scale, and how it wraps around the fridge and everything. 

A lot of the time I’ll stop for a day or two when I’m sketching on the fridge. I take a photo of it on my phone and stare at it for a while…show it to people for feedback and stuff.  When I’m happy with it, I start painting with acrylics. From start to finish it takes a couple weeks.

Q: How’d you come up with the Kang’s Banger design? 

A: I was definitely inspired by the color of the fridge. It made me think of aliens, and the first aliens that came to mind were the ones from The Simpsons. So, I thought it’d be cool to have one dabbing with some Yo Dabba Dabba tools, cuz you know, aliens are real and probably do that. 

We’ll be adding the other fridges on our site for purchase as they’re completed, so keep an eye out! 

Terp Fridge YDD

Terp Fridge Lit Britt

See all current custom fridges here

Follow Lit Britt: @litbritt710

Enter the contest below

Terp Fridge Giveaway