We’re all about spicing up our dab sessions with the cold start method and this month’s giveaway is in full support. Our insert set packages every accessory you need to streamline this method: a quality quartz banger, a quartz insert, reverse tweezers, and a directional airflow carb cap.

We love cold start dabs because they make getting the lowest temps easy with a reverse process. Load the quartz insert with your dab, use the reverse tweezers to drop the insert into the nail, and place your carb cap on top. Heat the nail with a torch like you normally would, rotating the blue tip of the flame evenly across the bottom. Once you see the extracts start to bubble or vapor appear in the bucket immediately remove the flame. Start to take your dab while rotating the carb cap. If you have any concentrates left in the bucket, repeat the process.

Check out our tutorial video for a visual representation of all the steps and a detailed blog that covers the benefits, different techniques, and other tips on cold start dabs.

Enter our giveaway to snag the insert set and get in on cold start dabs like a pro. Check out all the different ways to enter and up your chances of a win here.