Dab tech isn’t just exciting, it’s necessary! With so much innovation happening literally all the time, it can be hard to find those in-demand pieces at an affordable price — especially pieces that aren’t made of junk. But that’s okay, and we’ve got you covered. That said, we’re giving away a terp slurp kit to TWO lucky winners in our April Giveaway.

Terp Slurpers are coveted by many and secured by few. But what are they?

They’re just the latest and greatest — no big deal.

Terp Slurp nails are the most popular design of dab nail yet since they’re by far the least wasteful and most flavorful bangers on the market. To use them, you’ll heat the nail up and apply your concentrate directly to the dish. The suction on these little beauties pulls the concentrate into the banger where it can be vaporized completely with the use of a terp pill. A valve sits inside and keeps your concentrate in the vortex while your carb cap keeps it rolling smoothly.

terp slurp set

We’re giving away two of our Terp Slurp Sets, which includes a seamless quartz terp slurper with a fully worked, weld-free design. Normally you’d have to buy your own valves, carb caps, and terp pearls separately, but the kit comes with everything you need to enjoy your favorite concentrates right out of the box. Along with the terp slurp, you’ll find a sleek and sexy dichro carb cap, a 14mm valve, and a ruby terp pill.

To assemble it, just drop the ruby pill into the chamber and cap it with the valve to separate the chambers. Then you can put your carb cap on the top, heat the dish at the bottom, and you’re set to jet. The terp slurp is a fantastic addition to any piece of glass and is sure to provide a delicious, flavorful hit with little to no leftover waste or mess. Create your perfect dabbing oasis with a free terp slurp set, valued at $100, by entering this month’s giveaway.

It’s a snap to enter and win, and there are lots of ways to throw your name into the raffle. You can even get multiple entries by going down the list. Enter below or check out our giveaway page for the full rundown on the process, and we hope the odds are in your favor!

Yo Dabba Terp Slurp Set Giveaway!