Even people who have never dabbed felt time move both slow and fast at the same time in 2020. In typical New Year fashion, we’re reminiscing the last 12 months and feeling grateful for everything we had the opportunity to accomplish.

From a social standpoint, this year blew. BUT we went viral, so it’s cool. Our Coronavirus Tee lightened the mood but also really pissed some people off. An Instagram post from one of our followers wearing the shirt racked up thousands of shares and comments. Too soon? Nah, it’s just a joke. Can’t take life too seriously.

All the time spent at home gave us the opportunity to really focus on developing new products. We welcomed two new bangers to our lineup: the seamless quartz flat tops (in quartz and opaque) and our quartz round bottom bangers.

Possibly our favorite and most popular addition to our inventory was the Cyclone Cap Sets that include a 25mm quartz nail, two terp pearls, and a glass cyclone cap. These sets were so popular that we recently expanded our offerings to include other joint sizes in addition to 14mm. Be on the lookout in the next few months for sets in 10mm and 19mm, because they’re in the works.  So, what makes these sets such a hit? It’s the perfect combination of the most functional and enjoyable dab accessories out there. Sure, tons of different styles of inserts have come and gone throughout the last few years of dabbing ingenuity, but terp pearls reign as the solid classic. They just work.

Other 2020 additions include the Quartz Disc Cap. We love this cap because it can work with standard 25mm flat tops and also 20mm and 30mm flat tops. Plus, it spins the pearls! Our Yo Dabbers line had a big come up this year, with the Dab Tool Kit and Dab Claw.

Thanks for sticking with us through this ultra-shitty year. We’re blessed to be ringing in another one with our sanity still intact. Wishing you all health and happiness.