Bubble hash is your ticket to the highest peaks you’ve ever reached. So, how exactly do you make bubble hash extract? Is it easy to make? Why is it called bubble hash, anyway? We answer all your burning questions below.

What is bubble hash?

Bubble hash is one of the purest solventless concentrates available. Made up of the plant’s trichomes, bubble hash is produced by separating this resin from the plant using nothing more than icy cold water, agitation and a sieve.

Bubble hash is named so due to its ability to bubble up when exposed to a flame, as well as the bubble bags used to make it. How does bubble hash come to be? Shaking the buds in an ice and water-filled bag allows the trichomes to break off and fall to the bottom of the sieve.

Bubble hash quality varies based on the type of material you use and how you perform the agitation process. After the trichomes are collected, the bubble hash is formed into a sticky paste ready to be dried and consumed.

Types of bubble hash

bubble hash

Trim processed bud

Trim is the leftover material that accumulates after a harvest consisting of flower clippings, leaves and stems. Trim processed bud will yield the lowest quality results, but can still produce a potent product with the right trim.

Bud processed

Bubble hash works best with whole-flower buds that contain a high concentration of trichomes. The quality of your whole-flower buds will also affect your final result. A dry and low-THC strain will produce a lower-quality yield compared to using high-quality flowers.

Micron screen sizes

Consider the amount and size of your micron screens. Large micron screen sizes will allow more of the unwanted plant material through, as well as the valuable trichomes. Smaller micron sizes will filter trichomes while keeping the organic material out. A mix of both is critical.

Bubble hash vs traditional hash

Traditional hash-making techniques forgo the ice, water and bubble bags for a simpler set-up derived from Middle Eastern countries. Traditional hash was made by hand-pressing or rubbing the trichomes off of plants. Today, traditional hash is made using dry-sifting techniques.

Traditional hash provides a potent dose of cannabinoids for any user. THC concentrations can reach up to 50 percent in traditional hash. Bubble hash, however, can see THC levels reaching around 60 percent due to the more refined extraction process.

How to make bubble hash (step-by-step guide)

how to make bubble hash

Making bubble hash is a simple process. All you need is a few tools.

1. Gather all your materials

Assemble all of your bubble hash-making materials in one spot, including:

  • 1-to-5-gallon bucket
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Silk-screen filters/bubble bag
  • Cannabis bud or trim (fresh or frozen)
  • Large spoon (for mixing)

2. Fill your bucket

Begin by layering your micron filter screens or bags into the bucket by smallest to largest filter size. For example, bubble bags start off with 25-micron bags and work up to the 220-micron bag. After you’ve lined your bucket with the filter screens, fill the bottom portion of the bucket with ice-cold water.

Once you’ve got a base of water (halfway full), start adding in the weed and then the ice until you reach the top of the bucket. Fill the rest of your bucket with cold water, if needed.

3. Stir your mixture

Grab the nearest spoon, ladle or other mixing device to gently stir. As you stir, the ice will begin to melt. You can add more ice if needed. Stir for about 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Strain and repeat

Once you’ve stirred your ice, water and cannabis for a good while, you can strain the liquid from each filter screen into the bucket and repeat the process by taking out one screen bag at a time. Turn each filter bag inside out to collect your resinous trichomes and lightly press out the moisture from the bag.

Benefits of solventless extraction vs. solvent extraction

Solventless extraction offers numerous advantages over solvent extraction. Solventless extraction requires no solvent to dissolve the trichomes, which removes the possibility of ending up with residual solvent in the final extract, which can be harmful if inhaled.

Solventless extraction is also easy to do at home. Solvent extraction can be dangerous in settings outside of a lab facility. Solvents are often flammable and odorless, lending themselves to causing an explosion in the presence of an open flame.

Because there is no residual solvent matter in the hash extract, medicinal users can trust that their hash won’t get them sicker or taste harsh.

Best practices for making bubble hash

There’s a slight learning curve to making bubble hash. Over time, you’ll learn the tricks of the trade, but here’s a quick primer on some bubble hash-making tips from the pros.

  1. Keep things as cold as possible.
    When making bubble hash, it’s best if the entire process is cold. The ice coldness is what separates the trichomes from the plant by freezing and snapping them off.  While stopping short of traveling to the North Pole to do all your hash-making, you can perform your operation in a cold room such as a large storage freezer. Some users even put their water in the freezer so it turns into a slurry form.
  2. Consider your water source.
    Tap water can work in a pinch, but what you really want to use is ultra-purified water. Purified water takes out chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals that can be found in tap water and make your bubble hash taste bad.
  3. Start with quality weed.
    You won’t get the best hash with poor-quality buds or trim. For your first few runs, you can use lower-quality trim to minimize the chance of wasting your premium buds, but you ultimately want to use the best quality weed you have.
  4. Use a freeze dryer instead of air drying your bubble hash.
    Freeze dryers can cut down your drying time, so you can smoke your hash sooner rather than later.

Bubble hash extraction produces some of the most potent and flavorful extracts around. While the process can be time-consuming, you’re left with a resinous and strong concentrate that can provide enormous therapeutic relief

How to consume bubble hash

Once you’ve made or bought your bubble hash, it’s time to light up. Bubble hash can be consumed like most other cannabis extracts, although dabbing generally doesn’t work as well.

  • Break off a piece of your bubble hash to sprinkle it over a joint or blunt for an out-of-this-world experience.
  • If you prefer to use glass pieces to smoke your flower, add a dash of bubble hash on top of your flower-packed bowl.
  • Bubble hash can also make a great ingredient for your next meal or baked good. Use bubble hash to make really potent cannabutter or canna-oil.
  • Some dry-herb and wax-friendly vaporizers can handle the consistency of your bubble hash so you can vape your concentrates on-the-go.

Article Contents:

  1. What is bubble hash?
  2. Types of bubble hash
  3. Bubble hash vs traditional hash
  4. How to make bubble hash
  5. Benefits of solventless extraction
  6. How to consume bubble hash

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