Looking to simplify your setup or just step up your aesthetics? We’ve got you covered. Here you can find an incredible assortment of dab tools and other dabbing accessories that can help with everything from reducing messes, improving and storing your concentrates, and amplifying the overall look of your dab station. Our dab accessories are made from the highest quality materials and sourced from trusted brands we love. Browse our extensive selection of dabbing accessories if you’re on the hunt for things like ruby terp pearls, quartz inserts, valves, dab tools, torches, nonstick dab mats, silicone and other storage containers, ash catchers and reclaimers, nectar collectors, and so much more.

Terp pearls don’t just look cool— they help hold heat and distribute extracts evenly throughout the banger to minimize waste. Inserts keep your banger squeaky clean and create a barrier that makes heat more forgiving. Storage containers keep your concentrates safe and secure, and reclaimers let you recycle your costly concentrates.

Accessories are compatible with your set up based on the other tools you’re using. Terp pearls require a specific carb cap to make them spin, and inserts come in different sizes to work with the varying sizes of buckets on different styles of nails and bangers. If you’re unsure of the style of accessories to consider based on your banger, check out our compatibility tool.